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Walking Routes in Tameside to Explore

Source: https://tameside.directory/hartshead-pike/

The recent restrictions on outdoor activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic have made things difficult for people who enjoy going out and keeping active. Or just going out in general! Many of us have had to adjust to a new way of living and it looks as though things may stay that way for the foreseeable future.

But with the very minor lifting of some lockdown rules that were announced just a few days ago, the country has begun to open up more, ever so slightly. Thankfully this included some of the rules surrounding daily exercise. Specifically that you may now travel to a singular place to get your daily exercise and that you can also leave your home to exercise more than once a day.

So if you’re been meaning to head further afield and stretch your walking legs a little more, or if you’re a seasoned walking veteran and fancy returning to a popular walking hotspot, here are three walking routes in or around Tameside you can now explore:

Hartshead Pike

Want a walk that’ll put your legs to the test and offer some spectacular views? Heading up to Hartshead Pike might be the perfect trek for you.

A good place to start your walk could be Mossley Train Station if you don’t mind some steep inclines to begin with. From there, you can follow the route up towards Luzley until you eventually have the Pike in sight. Then it’s a simple case of choosing the best route for you - Just be sure to stick to walking on land you have permission to access as there’s a lot of privately owned land in the area.

As you’ll know the Pike is a popular sight across the towns and boroughs that surround Mossley and Ashton-Under-Lyne as it’s situated to be easily viewable from miles around. On a clear day at the Pike you’ll be treated to panoramic views stretching across Manchester, Oldham, Tameside, Saddleworth and beyond. You can even see the Welsh hills on a particularly clear day! Then, once you’ve reached the Pike, you can head down into Mossley via Broad Carr Lane.

Oh, and don’t forget to bring your camera. You’ll need it!

Ashton Canal

This one is a particular favourite with cyclists and is a regularly visited route for fans of two wheels, but if you trim it down it’s also a great route for walkers and joggers too.

Portland Basin Museum is always a good starting point as it’s an iconic location in Tameside and is right on the banks of the canal itself. From there you can follow the canal past Audenshaw and Droylsden and head all the way towards Manchester City Centre if you like, but most will only go this far if they have a helping hand from their bicycle.

As for walkers, you can always head as far as you feel is necessary, before turning round and heading back to your original starting point, still following the canal.

Or, if you’re familiar with the Tameside area you can always take an alternative route home and mix things up. This might give you more of a chance to enjoy some of the different views our borough has to offer.

Dovestone Reservoir

While technically not part of the borough of Tameside, Dovestone Reservoir is still hugely popular with walkers and hikers from all around our region.

Thanks to multiple paths with a variety of views and plenty of room for parking, Dovestone Reservoir will have something to please even the most hardcore of hikers or dog walkers.

With scenery stretching out across Saddleworth Moor and as far as Manchester City Centre, on a bright day (or even a drizzly one) you’ll have plenty of glorious landscape to treat yourself to. Or if you prefer you can stick to taking a shorter walk around just the reservoir itself - perfect for it you’re just after a quick stroll in the fresh air or sunshine. 

To make the most of your walk, plan which specific route you’d like to take before you arrive, just so you don’t end up on the wrong one. But, if you’re an experienced walker and are familiar with the area, you’ve got nothing to worry about.

What about you? Which walking routes in Tameside are your personal favourites?


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