LMS LIVE January 2025 Bands
From Monday 17th February onwards, Tameside Radio's Local Music Spotlight week will feature bands who played at our last Indie Rock n Roll Local Music Spotlight Live night which took place on Friday January 24th 2025 at Whittles at Tokyo Live Music Venue in Oldham. It was our fourth live night and featured seven bands who have been featured as a band of the week over the last few months. The bands who played live on the night were Foxglove, Sugarcrease, Ventrelles, The Sprats, Black Sonic Revolver, The Sick Fix, and Gdansk81. You can find all bands on all usual social media platforms, and their music will be played in rotation on every daytime show. Our next live night will take place on Friday August 8th 2025, and will once again be at Whittles at Tokyo in Oldham.