Greater Manchester’s Mayor and council leaders have given the green light to bring in London-style contactless ticketing on buses and trams from March 2025.
This includes bringing in an annual Bee Network bus pass costing £800, and the ability for residents to spread the cost of an annual pass with a credit union, saving public transport users £5 a week.
Mayor Andy Burnham said residents will be able to apply to credit unions to spread the cost of their annual transport pass payments from December 5 – with the payment system coming into use from January.
The London-style contactless payment system is set to come in on either March 16 or 23.
Mr Burnham said: “This is critical for growth for our region. If we don’t have a transport system that lets people get out and about every day, then you don’t really have a vehicle for growth.”
Working with credit unions will help residents pay for the cost of an annual pass, the Mayor added, saying that he would like to see more people signing up for yearly tickets.
“There are so many economic and social benefits for our residents not worrying about transport and living their lives to the full, and that’s what this is all about,” he added.
“The cost of transport shouldn’t be the reason that someone can’t go somewhere, to work or a doctor’s appointment.
“There are real benefits for everyone potentially here and we are delighted to have struck this innovative partnership [with credit unions].
“This is a much safer route for people to access immediate finance for things they might need. We’re pulling you right to the heart of what we’re trying to do with the Bee Network – but it could go further.”
The move is part of the region’s transport changes, aimed at getting more people back on buses and trains, and improving the quality of these services.
Sheenagh Young, CEO of South Manchester Credit Union, said the partnership will save residents hundreds of pounds each year and encourage more people to opt for annual passes.
She added: “We’re really excited to be part of the transport agenda. We think it’s a really strong partnership.
“This scheme is an innovative collaboration allowing access to these loans that will help people to save £240/250 a year. We want to get pounds back into people’s pockets, and that supports the local economy.”
Meanwhile, the Bee Network is continuing to be rolled out around the region, with bus franchising set to be complete by January.