A huge new onshore wind farm, a hospital transformation and a large housing estate are the most significant plans tabled with councils across Greater Manchester this week.
On the edge of Rochdale, Scout Moor II could bring an additional 21 wind turbines to the moorlands, which could generate power for 100,000 homes. Over in Stockport’s town centre, there is a scheme aiming to bring a ‘multi-generational residential community’ to St Thomas’ Hospital.
The St Thomas Gardens plan would see a care facility and 68 new homes built in the area.
Moving further west, 180 homes on part of land known as Timperley Wedge have been touted. North west housebuilder Prospect Homes has tabled a planning application for the 14-acre site north of Dobbinetts Lane in Hale.
Here is a breakdown of each borough’s submitted planning applications this week
There are no new significant planning applications that have been submitted to Bolton Council this week.
Drive-thru Starbucks planned opposite Lidl store in Greater Manchester town
A drive-thru Starbucks is planned for a retail park close to Bury town centre.
A similar application earlier this year by applicant Lion Share Properties Ltd for a coffee shop at the former Mencap unit within the Victoria Retail Park was rejected by planners in Bury due to road safety fears. Lion Share have now applied again for planning permission at the site, opposite a Lidl supermarket.
If approved, the drive-thru Starbucks will operate from the currently vacant former Mencap unit which has been empty for a considerable period.
There are no new significant planning applications that have been submitted to Manchester Council this week.
There are no new significant planning applications that have been submitted to Oldham Council this week.
England’s largest onshore wind farm could be built on edge of Rochdale
What may become ‘England’s largest onshore wind farm’ could soon be built on the edge of Greater Manchester.
A renewable energy developer has announced plans for Scout Moor II, a landmark 100 MW onshore wind farm between Rochdale, Rawtenstall and Edenfield. Located next to the existing Scout Moor wind farm in the North West, this project marks the first major onshore wind development in England in over a decade.
Cubico Sustainable Investments, who are behind the project, believes it could be operational before 2030 and could generate an estimated £200 million of investment and hundreds of skilled green jobs.
New Albert’s planned for former home of Nutters restaurant
The historic Wolstenholme Hall – formerly home of Nutters restaurant – could soon reopen as a swanky new eatery.
Fresh plans for the 1800s building would see the vacant venue brought back to life as an Albert’s restaurant. Elle R Leisure – the company behind Albert’s and Dukes 92 – has outlined its vision for the Norden site.
Bosses want it to become much more than a restaurant, with plans for a bar, function room and a private dining space.
Plans shared to bring historic baths back into use as community venue
Plans have been shared to bring a historic public baths in Salford back into use as a community venue.
A planning application has been submitted for works at Collier Street Baths including repointing, works to the roof, window and door replacements/alterations, as well as a new mezzanine with stair and lift access. A report submitted with the plans states that while a future use is currently unknown, it could eventually become a new food and drinks venue.
The grade II listed baths are no longer used but were first built in 1855 before becoming commercial storage and warehousing until the 1990s.
Plans submitted for former hospital transformation
A planning application has been submitted to transform a former Stockport hospital into a care facility and 68 new homes.
The scheme, known as St Thomas’ Gardens, was first revealed last month and aims to create a ‘multi-generational residential community’ in the town centre in St Thomas’ Hospital off Shaw Heath road. St Thomas’ was originally built in 1841 as a workhouse and infirmary, and was later used by the NHS until 2004.
Massive plan for thousands of new homes in Godley Green takes another step forward
The plan to build thousands of new homes in the Hyde countryside has just taken another step forward.
Developer MADE Partnership and Tameside Council have reached an agreement to work together to deliver Godley Green Garden Village plan – Tameside Council’s flagship project. It will be one of the largest developments of its kind in Greater Manchester, with the potential to bring 2,150 homes to the area.
The masterplan was granted outline permission last November by the planning panel. The proposal would see a new ‘village’ split into two halves by Godley Brook, each with its own centre, including up to 1,300 sqm of retail space, 1,600 sqm of commercial and 1,000 sqm for community use.
Plan for 180 homes on site near hospital
Plans have been submitted for a development of 180 homes on part of land known as Timperley Wedge in Trafford.
North West housebuilder Prospect Homes has tabled the planning application for the 14-acre site north of Dobbinetts Lane in Hale. It forms part of the strategic housing allocation within the Places for Everyone (PfE) plan – the strategic development programme for Greater Manchester which was adopted in March this year.
Ultimately, the PfE plan seeks the provision of 1,800 homes in Timperley Wedge, to be delivered by 2039 – 2,500 homes in total – to be delivered by 2039.
There are no new significant planning applications that have been submitted to Wigan Council this week.