Last Friday night, January 24th, we held our fourth Indie Rock n Roll Local Music Spotlight Live night at Whittles at Tokyo Live Music Venue in Oldham. The previous three had all been amazing, but with February being the month we will broadcast our 100th band or artist on the feature, the whole night on Friday felt like a really special achievement.
Picking seven bands to appear on Friday night was the hardest part of arranging the event, we have had so many brilliant ones appear on the feature. But with the help of my radio sidekick Laura Beth, we picked seven, and what a night it was. Whittles is a brilliant venue that holds a lot of fond memories for me, and from the doors opening at 7pm, we had a packed-out crowd of new music loving fans. Starting the show were The Sick Fix, a young punk band who although are relatively new to the scene, are already getting their name about far and wide. To be so tight, with such great stage presence at such a young age is something special, and as lead singer of Black Sonic Revolver Leon Kenny said to me whilst watching them, 'the future of new music is so good!' The charts may not represent what's going on in the music venues around the UK, but nights like this really showcase how good British music still is. Following The Sick Fix were Black Sonic Revolver. Leon has fronted the band for a long time and are one of the most respected underground bands in Manchester. Playing tracks from their latest album 'For Those In The Know', they really showed why they are so loved by Manchester's music fans. Leon himself is also one of the nicest men in music, so it was great to have him there and supporting the younger bands. Next on stage were Gdansk81. How bands like this are not already much bigger always amazes me. With a strong loyal following in the room, they played a mind blowing 30 minutes of songs which wouldn't sound out of place on the biggest of stages. Up next were Ventrelles, the Manchester indie band who perform and sound like they have been around forever. Their no-nonsense set of original songs old and new showed why whenever their name is on a poster it feels like a special night, and on Friday they were on top form, as they always are. Four bands in, and with an age range on stage from very young to not so young, I stood their proud of the night we had put on, and how much the Local Music Spotlight feature means to people. When it comes to music, with a room full of love and respect, age really is just a number. Following Ventrelles were Foxglove, the four-piece band fronted by breathtaking vocalist Abi White. They are a band with perfect indie pop songs which are impossible to stand still to. They are another band who would not be out of place on much bigger stages, and I honestly don't think it will be too long before they are. Following Foxglove were Sugarcrease. A time served, unique, fun, zany band, who could fit into any line up, of any size, and create the best of atmospheres wherever they play. They are a band who look and sound like they have been around forever, yet also fit perfectly into the new music scene. They are a band who everybody really needs to see, and experience, with each song sounding like you've known them forever. A totally mesmerising band to watch. Last on stage were The Sprats, a band who have almost become like our resident house band. The four-piece band are no strangers to Tameside Radio or Whittles and looked, walked, talked, and performed like a headlining band. They have the sound, the swagger, and the songs to fill much bigger stages and deserve to be a band who go onto much bigger things. Whether an indie gig or a rock show, The Sprats are a band who fit in anywhere, and with the banter between them, they are a tight, solid, indestructible four-piece unit who are always great to have around. What a way to end an amazing night. I am lucky to work on a lot of events, but these nights really are special. Thank you to everybody who came to the night, and to Lisa and Martin at Whittles for letting us host the night there, Laura Beth, Letita Royle and Cameron Kennedy from Tameside Radio for their help on the night, Colin Meek and Martin Duffy for the sound and production, and of course to all the bands who made it such a special night. A special mention also to this week's Local Music Spotlight band of the week The Information Highway who came and supported the bands, and Owen Meikle Williams, the man behind Manchester's After All Festival who also came along to support the night. It was the best night, full of great people, and we can't wait to do it all again on Friday August 1st, when we return to Whittles at Tokyo Live Music Venue for the fifth Indie Rock n Roll Local Music Spotlight Live night. Details will be released in the coming weeks, but please do come and support it, a great night is guaranteed. There is so much great homegrown new music about, and i love how lucky we are to be able to support it on Tameside Radio and across the Not Really Here Media network. Long Live Local Music Spotlight. What a night.