Tameside Radio's movie fanatic has been busy seeing three films - Tar, Empire of Light and M3gan - which he reviews for us...
It's awards season, and the Sunday Times revealed some startling figures from America last weekend.
Tar cost 35 million dollars to make, and had a box office taking of 5.3 million dollars. Babylon, which is out this Friday in the UK, was made for 80 million dollars, but only raked in a rather meagre 12 million dollars stateside. Meanwhile, blue people blockbuster Avatar has already taken an eye popping 1.7 billion dollars.
Tar was certainly sparsely attended at the afternoon screening I went to. Is it possible to adore a central performance but dislike the same movie? I found it overlong, tedious and pretentious.
That's not to say there weren't plus points, including the soundtrack and clever horror elements bubbling under the story of a conductor whose secrets were unravelling. I am fairly sure I had a five minute nap about an hour in, but luckily a brash orchestral scene woke me with a jolt, like the ticking metronome in the film.
Cate Blanchett was undeniably brilliant in the role, and the film sparks an interesting conversation about cancel culture, especially with the central character being female, but regretfully this just didn't hit the right notes for me.
Empire of Light was an absolute top tier delight. I adored the faded art deco glamour of the seafront cinema, including its pigeon-filled upper floor.
I loved Olivia Colman's slow burning performance, building up to an amazing scene on the beach whilst building sandcastles, and another later whilst holding a large glass of red wine in her flat. This is one of several films doing the rounds which serves as a love letter to cinema, epitomised by the careful precision of Toby Jones' projectionist.
Micheal Ward and Colin Firth are also terrific, the latter putting in a convincing turn as the sleazy boss of the Empire cinema. Set in the early 1980s, with riots, ska, and Thatcherism looming large, the story penned by Sam Mendes tackles mental health and racism extremely powerfully.
The first time Hilary (Colman) witnesses racism reminded me powerfully of the first time I walked into a pub with my new girlfriend Sofia, and the whole place fell silent, before I realised everyone was staring at us. I was so upset, I accidentally drove into a dry stone wall in my haste to leave the car park. This is a total delight of a film, and deserves better reviews than the ones I've read.
Just time to mention M3gan, the creepy life-like doll who becomes an eight year's best friend after she tragically loses her parents. There are a few jump scares and chills, but I found this an enjoyable ride.
Will all the smart speakers one day also decide to ignore our requests to turn off, and take over the world? That's a chilling thought. Spare a thought for the poor neighbour's dog, and look out for a creepy rendition of Sia's Titanium. Bananas, and brilliant. M3gan, turn off.
Next up, it's Babylon on Saturday for me. Review to follow next week!
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