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Alex B Cann column: Life's little pleasures

Tameside Radio presenter Alex B Cann in the studio.

What everyday things make you feel happy? The Tameside Radio presenter gives us findings of a survey and his own thoughts.

Doing a job that involves getting up at 5AM makes you a little obsessed with sleep. That's not to say I get enough, with my Fitbit average for the last seven days sitting at a rather shoddy five hours and thirty four minutes. I'm always intrigued when folk say they manage to chalk up eight hours a night. How do they have time?!

If I wanted to get eight hours, I'd need to be in bed by half eight at the latest, and that's just not going to happen. If I do get the odd longer sleep on a weekend, it is rather a nice treat, I must admit.

A new survey was released this week by chocolate brand Lindt, which revealed the number one "everyday thing that makes us happy" is a good night's sleep. I'm a little surprised that eating chocolate doesn't even feature in the top ten, given the company that carried out the survey, and I'm not clear how many people they asked. But good quality shut-eye is clearly something much of the nation craves.

Just missing out on pole position is a walk on a sunny morning. There are numerous studies that show natural sunlight on your face has huge benefits, and I've definitely moved more since beginning Government-approved walks around the block during the first lockdown (which, although only three years ago, feels like a distant nightmare now). Having moved house at the end of January, it's been nice to discover new routes too.

At number three is a hug. As long as the person you're hugging doesn't mind, it provides a huge endorphin rush. I wouldn't recommend it in the queue at the petrol station, though.

In joint fourth place, sunny and bright mornings, which is a bit similar to number two, but we'll gloss over that, along with spending time with friends and family. I suppose the latter is conditional on you actually getting on with your family, as separate figures this week showed over a third of us is not on speaking terms with a family member due to various reasons. As they say, you can't choose your family.

Number six is the beach on a sunny day. As long as I have a plentiful supply of cocktails and a good book, I'd go along with that. Hot on the heels of the golden sands of Filey beach at number seven is a lovely view. I enjoy the narrow window when the sun is rising as I drive through Mossley on the way to Tameside Radio. A nice sky certainly makes you feel fortunate you're not still tucked up in bed missing it.

In joint eighth place, longer and lighter evenings, followed by sleeping in freshly washed sheets. We seem to be a nation a little obsessed with shut-eye. Remember when being sent to bed early was a punishment?! And bringing up the rear at number ten is stroking a pet. Having met my friend Sparrow's two Staffies at the weekend, I'll agree with that one. They were adorable. I'm also hosting a dog show in Harrogate on Easter Saturday with the Yorkshire Vet, Peter Wright. That, my friend, is showbiz. 

Which items have Lindt missed off the list? Aside from chocolate that's been in the fridge, I'd list the following as life's little pleasures:

  • Reading a newspaper from back to front with a cup of tea (I always start at the back, and work forward!)
  • A decent book (my favourite recently was Lizzy Barber's Out Of Her Depth...a superb page-turner, with a cracking story)
  • A chat on the phone with my mum and a cinema trip with my dad
  • Gherkins and pickled onions straight from the jar
  • Getting your pyjamas on as soon as you get home from work (I don't trust people who don't own pyjamas)
  • Doing something kind for someone without expecting anything in return
  • Courteous drivers who let you through a gap, or when you let them through, acknowledge it, even with the smallest lift of one finger from the wheel
  • Finding one of your favourite food items with a yellow reduced sticker on it at M&S
  • A long soak in the bath with a bath bomb (must be a minimum of an hour to qualify as a soak... anything less is a dip).

What have I missed out? Let me know! E-mail alex.cann@questmedianetwork.co.uk.

Have a good week.

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