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Alex B Cann column: New Years Resolutions?

Did you make any resolutions for the new year? My mate Tom's is the same every year - "don't make any promises you can't keep". It's not a bad mantra for life, in fairness, but I've resolved to move a bit more for mine.

As a radio presenter and writer, a lot of my time is spent sitting down, which doesn't do much to bolster my step count. I'm trying to find little ways of moving around more, and as I slide closer towards my late 40s, everything is a bit more creaky, so it can only be a good thing to get a little more active.

I've found a nice little set of cards to help me on my journey, entitled "50 Things To Get You Moving", and thought it might be beneficial to share my favourite selection of the tips with you...

Challenge yourself while watching TV by doing exercises during the adverts - instead of fast forwarding through them like I usually do, take a few minutes to do some press-ups or planks. It makes a change from shuffling into the kitchen and rifling through the junk food drawer in search of Haribo Starmix I guess.

Think small : do five sit-ups a day instead of never getting round to doing fifty! I guess you could even start with one, then do two the next day, and gradually build up your total over time. I might attempt my first one after writing this column.

Do 30 minutes of exercise just as an experiment, and take note of how you feel afterwards. The endorphins released when you go for a stroll around the block are really powerful. I find you never feel worse after a walk!

Park a healthy distance from your destination so you get extra steps in wherever you go. I do this when I go to the cinema or supermarket. It's also less likely you'll end up jammed into a parking space like a sardine, and run the risk of getting your precious motor pranged with another motorist's car door or shopping trolley.

Walk around when you're on the phone. It might look a bit strange if you're in the office, but pacing around adds to your step tally, plus you might be able to get a bit of tidying and other stuff done at the same time.

Swap your book for an audiobook and listen as you run, walk or jog! I've really got into Audible books lately, and they don't half make a stroll go quickly.

Wash your car by hand. You'll save money and you can even rope family members in to help you! Working on this one...the lure of the triple foam is powerful.

Sign up for a race and raise money for charity. How about the 2024 Tour of Tameside? Plenty of time to train and get into shape!

Buy a kite! Head to a local scenic spot, ideally up a big hill, and get that kite in the sky.

Get groovy and learn a musical instrument. It's great fun, and burns a significant amount of energy. I used to play the mandolin at school. Perhaps it's time to get it restringed, and serenade my wife with a rendition of Losing My Religion or Maggie May, two pop songs which heavily featured the mandolin!

If you don't have a dog, borrow your neighbour's and take it for a walk. A recent study showed 73% of pooches are out of shape after festive overindulgence (join the club, Fido!),, so now's the perfect time for a long walk with a four-legged friend. Perhaps I can get a lead and take our new kitten Colin Cann for a stroll instead.

It's easy to find reasons to hibernate when the weather is so rubbish at this time of year, but a lot of the 11 tips I've listed share a common element...they are all pretty easy to achieve. If you're a gym bunny or keen runner, more power to your elbow. Some people even did a Park Run on New Year's Day! But you don't have to be a fitness freak to do any of the things I've listed. It's about small changes, and that's something we can all embrace in 2024. I wish you every happiness for the year ahead. Now to start on moving more, and try to fit back into my medium polo shirts by spring ...

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