Children at Whitfield St James' CE (VC) Nursery and Primary School in Glossop had an exciting first week back at school.
They travelled back to the life and times of the people during the time of the Titanic, completed a bush tucker trial, investigated the local area on a walk, dressed as real life and fictional heroes and villains, and became dentists and doctors... just to name a few exciting adventures!
Deputy head teacher Leo Ford said: "The children at Whitfield St James' have thoroughly enjoyed getting back into learning after the Christmas holidays.
"This is all due to their exciting, knowledge rich curriculum, that inspires and creates lifelong learners that are enthusiastic about their learning.
"Every class, from Nursery to Year 6, shares a special day at the start of each half term called a ‘WOW Day’, where they take part in special activities that engage the children in their learning.
"The children are all extremely excited about the topic they will be covering this half term. Visit our website for more details."
Anyone who would like to look around the school for a Reception or a Nursery place can call the school office on 01457 852427 for more information.
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