BBC Radio 4’s long running Today Programme is to turn the spotlight on how High Peak charity Zink support people through the cost-of-living crisis and the help available to refugees.
The BBC were keen to discover stories about how local organisations had reacted to support those affected. They approached Zink and recording dates were set.
Several of Zink’s clients have agreed to take part in the production including those who were struggling to get work because of problems like health or long-term unemployment and refugees who Zink helped into a job.
Deputy CEO of Zink, Jane Kirk Bagshaw said: “Zink is here to help anyone who needs it in a way that suits them.
“For some it might be short term, like an emergency food parcel; for others, support is longer term through Zink’s wellbeing activities and work coach support into a job.
“For many, it’s a welcoming place to volunteer, meet others, have fun, learn, and eat!”
Zink runs High Peak Foodbank, employs four work coaches to support unemployed people into work, operates an advice service plus wellbeing activities and a popular community eco-café.
More recently, the charity has support Ukrainian refugees with laptops, English lessons, SIM cards and help into work.
The Today Programme first aired in 1957 and is now broadcast six mornings a week with listening figures of around seven million.
It is anticipated that the recordings will be included in The Today Programme on Radio 4 broadcast on Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd July.
To find out more about Zink visit here.
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