Bench signs aimed at encouraging people to talk about mental health issues following a rise during the pandemic are being put up across Derbyshire.
In the High Peak, three of them have already been installed in Chapel but Derbyshire County Council is putting up 700 bench signs across the county.
They’re aimed at starting conversations about mental health, helping people connect and reducing isolation.
Since the Covid-19 pandemic there have been increases in the risk factors which contribute to emotional distress, such as social isolation and worries over employment and finances.
Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Health and Communities, Councillor Carol Hart, said: "Loneliness and isolation can have a big impact on the way we feel, and the pandemic has meant that many more people have felt alone.
“Talking about how we’re feeling can go a long way to helping reduce the feelings of isolation.
"We hope our Let’s Chat benches will offer people a safe space to open up and start conversations.”
The Let’s Chat bench signs have QR codes which take you to webpages with information about tackling isolation, loneliness and mental health support.
They will be on benches in parks, town centres and community venues.
Local photographer Tony Fisher will be travelling around the county taking pictures of the benches being used, as well as having conversations with people across Derbyshire about their emotional health and wellbeing.
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