The Zink Community Hub is progressing well with the new centre on target to open late in August this year.
In just eight short months they have been able to buy, receive planning and building control approval, raise funds and renovate the new Zink HQ.
Zink CEO Paul Bohan said: “Isolation, worsening mental health and increased unemployment as a result of the pandemic have meant that Zink’s support services are in demand more than ever, so getting new premises became more urgent.
“We are happy to announce, thanks to the generosity of local people, businesses and councillors, Zink will be moving in late August this year.”
The new headquarters will house the High Peak Food Bank, Zink Advice and Zink Employability, as well as new services and initiatives.
The new HQ, located just off Buxton Market Place, will also see the opening of an Eco-Café that will help prevent food waste.
New services will also be offered from the new Hub, including a job agency, book exchange, enterprise area to help people set up businesses, well-being activities and music therapy.
The music therapy will be provided by the new High Peak School of Rock and is open to anyone who wants to look after their well-being by learning a new skill - electric guitar.
Funded by Big Lottery Awards for All, the weekly guitar lesson starts in September, with instruments provided. The cost is £1 unwaged, £3 waged. To book email or text 07811 684299.
The support of the community has been vital to the project with more than £70,000 raised through a local giving appeal.
It is not too late to donate simply go to
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