Care staff and residents at a New Mills care home have enjoyed a week of fun and engaging activities to mark the second #GladtoCare Awareness Week.
The event is dedicated to recognising the dedication and commitment of those who work in the care sector and celebrating the extraordinary contributions they make.
Carinna Mycock, Home Manager at Watford House, said: “I am so proud of every member of my team and a career in the care sector is so much more than looking after elderly people.
“The care of our residents is paramount, and my team ensure this every day, but it is equally important to be able to recognise their amazing contributions and what better way to do this than to join this initiative.”
Carinna Mycock
During the week, there was Motivation Monday with staff and residents taking part in an online keep fit class, there was also an Afternoon Tea.
On Wisdom Wednesday residents were asked to share their pearls of wisdom to the younger members of team and to say what they are glad of while Thankful Thursday saw a BBQ for staff in the beautiful gardens.
Carinna said: “All week staff and residents dressed up, had fun, and celebrated the achievements of the past 18 months, all the residents at Watford House have remained virus free throughout the pandemic and have all now received both of their vaccinations.
“The residents certainly loved to see the laughter and take part in the activities all week.”
Gladys Walsh
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