Glossop Amnesty International is holding a lockdown fundraising photographic competition called 'What 2020 Has Meant To Me'.
Glossop group secretary Rosie Gibbs said: “It’s a winter competition, entries must be in by December 14. It will be judged by professional photographers and there’s a £20 voucher/book token for the two age group winners.”
Entries can be on any subject.
It’s a minimum donation of £5 per photograph to enter, unwaged and juniors (up to 18 years) £2.50.
By entering the competition, you are giving permission for your images to be used by Amnesty Glossop and AIUK for publicity and fundraising purposes.
Entries should be emailed to AmnestyGlossop@gmail.com using the subject ‘Imagination: What 2020 has meant to me’.
Include your contact details stating whether you have paid by cheque or bank transfer.
If entering the junior competition give your age and confirm that you have sought the permission of your parent or guardian and include their full name.
For bank transfer use: Amnesty International-Glossop Group, Sort Code 20-54-58, Acc. Nos. 5070 7449
Or post a cheque to The Treasurer, Amnesty International Glossop, c/o 10 Spring Rise, Glossop, SK13 6US.