Derbyshire council officials have admitted that many of their pothole repairs may have to be done again after a few months and that repeated "quick patch-up jobs" will often be carried out.
A core issue was the lack of money available to carry out more long-lasting repair work on the 3,500 miles of road it oversees, Derbyshire County Council says.
Cllr Simon Spencer, the authority’s deputy leader and cabinet member for highways, said the council performs “extremely well” in terms of the number of pothole repairs carried out.
Last summer, Cllr Spencer said the council had filled 28,000 potholes in two months, more than half of the total filled in the entire previous year.
However, residents and councillors have repeatedly raised the issue that pothole repairs often seem to be extremely temporary, with the capped repair wearing away or coming loose within months or even weeks.
Cllr Kewal Singh Athwal said in a scrutiny committee meeting yesterday (Feb 24): “In the recent past we have seen lots and lots and lots of potholes repaired, which is very much appreciated, but the issue is potholes are repaired and then a few months later, maybe due to the weather, they are coming up again and the same potholes are being reported time and time again.”
He asked that future repairs be made more permanent to avoid having to visit the same potholes “three or four times”.
Cllr Spencer said: “Sometimes we only do do temporary repairs because if it is on a sensitive junction or a sensitive location, to avoid having to put traffic management measures in, we do a quick patch-up and go, and that can happen two or three times before we have had a chance to strip the road back and do a full repair.
“We have got to up our game and you are going to see a lot more activity and a lot more of ripping out of whole stretches, a lot more surface dressing and digging out of drainage systems. We also have a level of accountability that we have to improve on as well.
“We have tried to keep the reactive firefighting going.
“Potholes can form overnight and are caused by water ingress into a surface which isn’t in perfect condition, which I have already said is the case, then it freezes, then it fractures and that is how quickly a pothole can form, and people have to recognise that.
“Some of them are small and some can be quite big and rip the roads apart. In some areas, roads are missing altogether due to landslips.
“In the meantime the guys will continue to patch. We make it very clear to staff that if the report says repair x pothole on x street and you see another one while you are out there, you repair that pothole as well.”
He said the past 18 months has been a “perfect storm” of problems for the highways department, including three bouts of heavy flooding, Covid and the Toddbrook Reservoir crisis.
Cllr Spencer said: “We have been firefighting and facing the next challenge as it came down the track. This has inevitably had an impact on the ability for the department to do its day job.”
Tim Gregory, the authority’s interim director of economy, transport and the environment, said the highways department has been having to “rob Peter to pay Paul” in order to combat issues, shuffling people between departments and taking money away from other schemes.
He said: “We had a huge backlog of works following last winter and we managed to get on top of that really quite quickly in the spring of last year.
“We are in a similar position now and have had a significant increase in reactive challenges, we were on top of it just before Christmas, but have then had two months’ worth of really extreme weather, both of cold, snow and ice together with a very large amount of rain has exacerbated the reactive works.
“It is very much a focus at the moment to try and keep on top of those and get the numbers down and get those more permanent repairs.
“The best way to stop a pothole is do to the preventative work to start with, i.e. resurfacing, but given the 3,000+ miles of road we will never be able to do as much resurfacing as we would like to but we can do things like micro-surface dressing as well as major patching to try and eliminate those potholes going wrong as frequently.
“We are never going to be able to completely resolve it because, fundamentally, we don’t have enough money to do everything that one would like to do.”
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