Reading was celebrated at Dinting C of E Primary School on Friday (19 November) with the launch of their new Book Shed.
It is all part of efforts to foster a love of reading and for children to be able to access a wide range of books.
All items have been donated and the youngsters are able to borrow any book for as long as they like and then swap them for another.
Teacher Michelle Worrall said: “The reading shed is an idea we had as a staff. We wanted to get the children reading more and reading for pleasure.”
The new facility was officially opened by Glossop author Johanne Lee who also read to the children from her new book Maximus the Humpback Whale.
Image by John Parkins.
To mark the day, talented cook Jacque Theobald created a fantastic cake depicting the front cover of Johanne’s book, complete with a whale’s tale poking out of the water, which the children all shared.
The Book Shed will be open in the morning when children are being dropped off and again when they are picked up from school. During break times the children will be able to access the shed and will be able to make use of the seating area outside
The school has just selected reading champions among the older children to help the younger children.
For Children in Need the youngsters took part in a Children in Readathon with each child asked get sponsorship and try and read six different things as part of the challenge.
The popular initiative has raised lots of money for the charity and the final total will be announced once it has all come in and been counted.
“There is a real buzz about reading around school. It’s been lovely – long may it continue,” added Michelle.
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