A group of Glossop residents are working towards welcoming a refugee family's resettlement to the town.
Glossop Welcomes Refugees hope they will be able to offer a family who have lost everything the chance of a new life here and are busy fundraising and looking for a house.
They are inviting local people who may want to get involved, think they can help or are interested in finding out more to an open meeting being held on Monday 17 October from 7.30-8.30pm at Victoria Hall, Talbot Street, Glossop.
GWR are part of Community Sponsorship, a refugee resettlement scheme managed by Reset on behalf of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).
The open evening will feature a couple of short videos and a speaker from Reset will explain more about the community sponsorship, with time for discussion.
As capacity at Victoria Hall is limited, please book via Eventbrite using this link https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/glossop-welcomes-refugees-tickets-419077170097
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