Plans for a holiday lodge complex to be built on the outskirts of Glossop have been rejected by councillors.
A majority of members of High Peak Borough Council’s Development Control Committee voted to go against the officer recommendation and instead turn down the controversial application to develop the site at The Heath.
The revised application for 12 luxury tourist lodges and a spa lodge together with an associated reception building, prompted more than 100 comments raising objections.
At a meeting in Buxton on Monday (12 December), Councillor Emily Thrane, moving refusal, said she had concerns principally about the impact on the landscape. “It seems to me that this development would be intrusive. I don’t think it fits.”
She queried why, when the site was visible from the Peak District National Park, the PDNP Authority had not been asked to comment on the application.
“The proposal doesn’t sit within the existing surroundings," she said. "In terms of balance between the size of the application and the amount of new screening needed I think it doesn’t make a good proposal.”
Cllr Thrane said the advantages of the application in term of tourism boost and spending locally were in her view “overly positive” particularly when set against the damage the application would cause.
Cllr Charlotte Farrell, supporting the move to refuse the application, said access was a major concern to her.
During a site visit on Monday morning, she said they had witnessed for themselves issues around access on the pot-holed single-track lane.
Two cars met and one had to reverse a considerable way to let the other pass as there are no passing places. Cllr Farrell added the track is also a footpath and it would be risky.
Cllr Graham Oakley said he was torn and stated it was a balancing act, weighing up the benefits of tourism and the boost to the local economy of overnight visitors.
He asked officers if conditions could be added to improve the track to the site. Officer confirmed conditions could be included around the road surface but not to create passing places as the land needed wasn’t in the applicant’s control.
Cllr Oakley said screening of the site was a major concern for him as planting would take years to provide the necessary screening of the site
Earlier, the meeting had heard from a resident speaking on behalf of neighbours who had raised various concerns including the impact on residential amenity and highway safety.
The agent for the applicant, Unique Holiday Stays Ltd, stated the development would help meet an ongoing need for visitor accommodation and would benefit the local area.
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