At this month's council meeting, it was confirmed that Derbyshire County Council would eventually be charging rent for the lockup that Glossopdale Foodbank use.
For more than 12 years, Derbyshire County Council, who own the lockup, have allowed the Foodbank its free use, recognising the need for such an organisation. But now, due to the financial constraints that Derbyshire County Council find themselves in and their need to raise funds where they can, they will in future be charging a commercial rent for its use.
The manager of the foodbank, Liz Kearslake commented: “In the short time that I have been managing the Foodbank, I have been surprised at just how much there is a need for the service that we offer to local people. Last month alone nearly 5000 meals were allocated to individuals and families, amongst whom were 164 children.”
“We are now in the process of increasing our fundraising activities, and have been heartened by the enthusiasm shown by our volunteers and the businesses we have so far approached. And as always, we are grateful to all those people who give financial donations or who place food in the Foodbank baskets in the various supermarkets and shops around Glossop.”
A spokesperson for Derbyshire County Council said: “For many years we have been able to let the foodbank use the building for nothing, but due to the challenges of the council’s finances, the council are no longer in a position to do this. We provided the group with as much advance notice as possible that we will need to start charging them rent, and implemented a phased in agreement which still provided them with a significant discount for the first few years.
“We do understand that the group provide a much appreciated service for the area but unfortunately we are no longer able to provide free properties to food banks or any other charity, so we are just trying to treat every group the same.”
For information, how to help or donate to Glossopdale Foodbank please see or email Liz on