The head teacher of Glossopdale School says she's delighted that her students have done so well in their GCSEs after having to cope with Covid-19 lockdowns.
After two years of disruption to exams and education, it was wonderful to return to ‘normal’, with students collecting their results from the school in person and celebrating their achievements with each other, their teachers, their friends and families.
Students performed well, with significant improvements in most subjects compared to the 2019 results, which was when students last sat external exams.
The percentage of students at Glossopdale achieving grades 9-7 (the top GCSE grades) increased by more than 10 per cent to just under 30 per cent this year. Overall progress across all subjects from Year 7 to 11 improved considerably compared to 2019 and subjects with the highest attainment were Art, separate Sciences, Dance, Music, French and German.
Head teacher Debbie McGloin told the Chronicle: “They’ve had a tough year but they’ve shown great resilience and have come out with some amazing results. Students have done much better in 2022 than in the last year they took exams which was 2019.
“For individuals they have been some really high achievers. To carry on studying remotely takes a lot of discipline, but now they are reaping the rewards. Some students have come in to collect their results in their new work uniforms, so they’re already on the work ladder.
"To those who didn’t get the results they wanted – we can give them help and advice on what to do, whether it is further education or re-taking their GCSEs. But I am proud of each and every one of them.”
Glossopdale School head teacher Debbie McGloin
High achiever Benjy Picton said: “I’m delighted with my results. I got all grade 9s and an A in further maths. I’m going to go to Ashton Sixth Form College.”
Emma Wilkinson achieved a range of 7s, 8s and 9s. She too has chosen to go to Ashton Sixth Form College.
Rebecca Robinson said: “I’ve got all 9s and 8s and I’m thrilled. We’ve all worked really hard throughout Covid and we’re getting the results we deserve.”
The school say they are especially pleased that so many students will remain at Glossopdale to pursue their Sixth Form studies.
Fionula Flaherty, Assistant Headteacher for the Sixth Form, commented: “We are looking forward to another year of fun, hard work and success with our new Year 12 cohort.
"Students moving into the Sixth Form really do have a different experience to those in Key Stage 3 and 4 and they are a real inspiration to younger students who often aspire to be part of the Sixth Form community. They are fantastic role models and we are delighted that they have decided to take their next steps with us.”
(left to right) Charlie Wheeldon, Daniel Lee, Thomas Picton, Daniel Porter and Arlo Turner
(left to right) Jenna Steiger, Harriet Melhuish, Mairead Walmsley and Rebecca Robinson
Abigail Bowers
Charlie Wheeldon
Listen to more Glossopdale School students speaking to our reporter Gill Garston below...