There will be no bin collections in the High Peak on the Christmas and New Year bank holidays.
This covers Monday 26 December, Tuesday 27 December and Monday 2 January.
Residents who usually have their bins collected on those days can go to the High Peak Borough Council website www.highpeak.gov.uk/ChristmasBins to see when rearranged collections will take place.
Across the borough between Monday 26 December and Friday 6 January, there are no green lidded bin collections, however residents are urged to still use these bins during the festive period.
Collections of the green lidded bins will start again from Monday 9 January.
Real Christmas trees (minus decorations and bases) of five feet or less can be left next to green bins, or cut up and put in the bins, on your usual collection date up to 31 January.
Councillor Jean Todd, Executive Councillor for Climate Change, Environment and Community Safety, said: “We know people are really busy at Christmas so we’re making checking all the details regarding changes to waste collections as easy as possible via our website.
“All you need to do is search for your property using your postcode and all the information is at your fingertips.
“You’ll also find the details of what to put in your bins on the website if you need a reminder – so don’t forget to check which seasonal items we accept on our collections and please keep using your green-lidded bins ready for when collections resume in the New Year.”
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