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Inspector dismisses appeal for controversial Glossop homes plan

The proposed site plan for homes off Hollincross Lane in Glossop.

Developers have failed to get planning permission to develop land to the south of Hollin Cross Lane in Glossop. 

A planning inspector has dismissed the appeal by Glossop Eden Ltd, who wanted to provide 23 new homes on the site following a hearing held in Buxton on 8 November and a site visit. 

The controversial application, strongly opposed locally with hundreds of objections submitted, had been turned down in January by High Peak Borough Council’s Development Control Committee. 

The proposals were to convert the former St Christopher's Trust Redcourt building, a former care facility, into four homes and build 19 new dwellings on the site.   

They would be made up of seven two-bedroomed units, 13 three-bedroomed, and three four-bedroomed units on the site with access from Hollincross Lane and Slatelands Road.   

In his decision, Planning Inspector M Russell concluded that the effect of the proposal on heritage assets would be justified when weighed against securing the optimum viable use of the site and the public benefits accrued from the development.  

He also found that acceptable living conditions would be provided for future occupiers of the development with specific regard to the provision of usable gardens. 

However, the absence of one-bedroomed units taken together with the accessibility issues identified meant that the proposal would not provide an appropriate housing mix.  

He said: “In that regard, the proposal would conflict with the development plan as a whole and would not amount to sustainable development. There are no other considerations, including the policies in the Framework that would outweigh this conflict. 

“Furthermore, I am not in a position to secure the future management and maintenance of the proposed access roads, and this also weighs against allowing the appeal. 

He concluded that, for the reasons given and taking into account all matters raised, the appeal should be dismissed. 

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