A second Jobs Fair to help Ukrainian refugees find employment is to be held at Zink HQ in Buxton on 1 August.
Jobs from a variety of local employers will be available and Jobcentre Plus staff will be present to help with applications.
At an event held in June, jobs from local supermarkets, factories and hotels were on offer and was well attended as local volunteer translators were on hand to help out.
Nikki Sharpley, Employer Adviser at Buxton Jobcentre said, “We were delighted that so many Ukrainian people benefitted from the jobs fair at Zink HQ in June and as more refugee guests are arriving all the time, we decided to run another event in August.
“Work coaches will be on hand to provide advice and guidance necessary to support people into work, and with claiming benefits. We have a buoyant labour market with employers’ keen to fill their vacancies.”
Paul Bohan, CEO of Zink said, “It was great to see the initiative for these events coming from DWP staff at operational level and we were glad to facilitate to help out Ukrainian guests whose lives have been so dramatically disrupted.”
The jobs fair will run from 11am to 12 noon on 1 August.
Email paul@zink.org.uk or speak to a Jobcentre work coach to book a place, or just turn up.
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