Hugo, a springer spaniel, recently retired from his role as a ‘sniffer’ dog for Greater ManchesterPolice (GMP) after seven years of service.
Nicknamed ‘Huge’ by his handler, the eight-year-old has been involved in numerous seizures of drugs, cash, and firearms during his tenure with the force, helping to keep the people of Greater Manchester safe.
Hugo was born into the GMP family. His dad Max was also a search dog. But how did he follow in his father’s paw prints?
“I got given Hugo when he was a puppy,” his handler said. “During that time, we bonded, and his journey started by searching for tennis balls.
“He then moved to train stations, buildings with different surfaces just to get him ready for the eight-week course.
“Thankfully the course and his continued training has set him up for everything he’s done in his career. He had huge finds within cars, in buildings, on the Metrolink and at the Airport (Manchester).”
The role of a dog handler is one that can be very rewarding, especially when the dog’s findings prevent a threat of serious harm to other people.
Speaking about one of Hugo’s best finds, his handler said: “We were involved in a car pursuit with the Tactical Vehicle Intercept Unit. The [other] car crashed in Moss Side. The driver had a split second and got out the car.
He threw something which we all at the time thought was drugs. So, instead of getting Bren [the handler’s German Shephard] out to search for it, I got Hugo out. We were searching, initially we weren’t getting anything, but he wanted to get into a locked compound. We managed to get into the locked compound, and he indicated, and we found a loaded gun.”
Seven years of hard work for GMP has now resulted in Hugo retiring. He has now become a family pet, but when was the right time to call it a day?
“To be honest he told me,” Hugo’s handler admitted. “I started to notice him slowing down on searches, not as eager, not as desperate to jump in the car to go to work, and it was just that bond that you have, and you sort of notice.
“Thankfully we read the signs and we at the training unit all decided he’s done us proud; he’s done his time and let him enjoy retirement.”
After an impressive career as a GMP sniffer dog, Hugo was rewarded in the traditional way – celebrating his years of services at the pub.
A former police dog can make the handler’s role harder, but Hugo’s wouldn’t have it anyway. He said: “It’s time I enjoy, and I love. I’m thankful that I’ve been given the opportunity to do so. He served me and has been my best mate for seven years. It’s my job to look after him in retirement.”
Thank you, Hugo, and happy retirement.