A new free service has been launched in the High Peak for people struggling with debt.
In response to the cost-of-living crisis, debt help and budgeting charity, Christians Against Poverty (CAP) have set up the new High Peak Debt Help Centre to provide free professional help.
Mark Wilbourne, the Debt Centre Manager, said the initiative had been possible thanks to financial support from churches including a number in New Mills and Glossop and matched funding through the lottery community fund.
“We are booked up until April which shows how much need there in in this area to get people out of debt,” said Mark.
The official launch was held at the Revive Church in New Mills on Friday (17 February) and was attended by key partners across the area and local MP Robert Largan.
Mark Wilbourne, the Debt Centre Manager, and High Peak MP Robert Largan
Those who attended heard directly about one New Mills couple who have already benefitted from help they accessed from a CAP Debt Service in a neighbouring area.
Now less than 12 months later they are not only debt free but are now volunteering to help others.
Speaking at the event, they said: “The weight was lifted off our shoulders it is just amazing. We can do a lot of things we couldn’t do before.
“It is now amazing to help someone in our situation.”
The MP, who thanked all those involved in the setting up the centre for their efforts, said: “It is really inspiring to hear stories of people coming here to get help and then have been able to go on and do coaching and give that back. It is a real mark of such a difference CAP is making.”
Anyone experiencing difficulties with debt can access the service by calling 0800 328 0006 or via www.capdebthelp.org
The High Peak Debt Help Centre will cost £20,000 a year to run. Further support will be needed to ensure the service can continue.
Anyone who can support their ongoing efforts can make a donation at https://www.revivechurch.uk/give/ and chose the CAP Fund to donate to.
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