Organisers who want to host events on borough council land in the High Peak are being advised that a new application process has now been introduced.
High Peak Borough Council says it receives over 40 applications for events a year and, with the lifting of Covid restrictions, this is expected to increase.
The new process has been introduced to "streamline how the Council responds to applications and to ensure a consistent approach", a spokesperson said.
Councillor Damien Greenhalgh, Deputy Leader and Executive Councillor for Regeneration, Tourism and Leisure, commented: “As Covid restrictions ease and people return to the events and activities they enjoyed prior the pandemic, we can expect to see an increase in the volume of requests we receive for events.
“In anticipation of that, we’ve taken the opportunity to revise our processes and procedures and to provide clear guidance to those organising events about what we need from them - including how much notice we need and the documentation they will need to supply - in order for us to deal with applications in a consistent and timely manner.
“The full details are on our website, where applications can be made via a web form, and I would urge anyone considering hosting an event to familiarise themselves with what is required.”
As well as being able to apply online, organisers will find helpful guidance notes, templates and a checklist to help ensure all the relevant paper work for their event is completed and provided. Visit to find out more.
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