Police across Derbyshire will be cracking down on speeding drivers over the next two weeks as part of a national campaign.
Officers from the Roads Policing Unit, the CREST team, Community Speed Watch, Specials and local policing units will be undertaking speed enforcement at various locations around the county.
Crest Enforcement Supervisor, Sarah Robbins, said: "The dangers of speeding are well known by drivers across our county, the region and, indeed the whole of the UK. However, the message appears to still not be hitting home with nearly 600 people losing their lives in collisions that involve excess speed.
"That is nearly 600 people who will never be able to hug their mum, kiss their child goodnight or grow old with their partner. Everyone who gets into a vehicle has a responsibility to their passengers, other road users and pedestrians.
"Nobody sets out when they get into a car to seriously injure or kill someone – but everyone thinks that it will not happen to them. Sadly we see on a far too regular basis that it does and the tragic outcomes for all those involved."
Police will be focusing on locations that are the scene of collisions and/or speeding issues by targeting those drivers who are breaking the speed limit. This will take many forms, including enforcement, education and marked and plain vehicles on patrol – as well as the usual speed camera van.
Anyone concerned about speeding in their area can report it online here: https://www.crestderbyshire.org/about-us/report-a-speeding-concern/.
Police are also still looking for anyone interested in setting up Community Speed Watch groups. More information about the scheme can be found at