Police are asking all residents in the Glossopdale and New Mills areas, but particularly in the Hadfield area, to consider their home, vehicle, shed, outhouses and garage security.
Glossop Police Safer Neighbourhood Team has issued the following crime prevention advice:
* Consider investing in good quality locks/padlocks
* Where possible, fit a shed alarm and activate your car alarm if fitted
* Consider the safest place to store high value items
* Motion activated outside lights are a very good deterrent
* Consider using home CCTV, Dash Cams or Ring Door Bell type systems
* Where possible, restrict access to gardens and properties with locked gates or fencing
Police are also urging anyone who sees, hears or witnesses any suspicious activity - particularly during the night or when its dark - to get in touch with them, via the following methods:
- Send a private Facebook message to the Derbyshire Constabulary page
- Send a direct message to the contact centre on Twitter via @DerPolContact
- Use the contact form online at https://www.derbyshire.police.uk
- Call 101
- Get in touch with the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or via the Crimestoppers website https://crimestoppers-uk.org
In an emergency, you should always call 999.
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