Work to install measures to reduce carbon emissions at Buxton Pool and Fitness Centre by 140 tonnes a year is now well underway.
High Peak Borough Council has secured a significant grant of £1,281,500 from the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme and is supplementing this with further funding from the Council to meet the remaining cost of the project.
The conventional gas boilers are being replaced with state-of-the-art air source heat pumps and solar panels are being installed on the roof to enhance the building's energy efficiency and reduce its impact on the environment saving around 140 tonnes of CO2 every year.
The solar panels are now being installed on the roof and councillors visited the centre recently to view progress.
Councillor Jean Todd, Executive Councillor for Climate Change and Environment, said: "The Council has a target of reaching net zero carbon in its services and internal operations by 2030 and it's schemes like this one that will help us achieve that target.
"I'm delighted with the progress being made in Buxton and look forward to seeing the impact it will have in significantly reducing carbon emissions from this site."
Deputy Leader and Executive Councillor for Regeneration, Tourism and Leisure, Councillor Damien Greenhalgh, said: "Improving the quality and sustainability of all of the Borough's leisure centres is extremely important and we've made a great start at Buxton, this will reduce both the emissions created and the significant costs of running this centre for our community."
You can watch Council Leader, Councillor Anthony Mckeown, talking about the project on the YouTube channel.