The population of the High Peak remained almost unchanged between 2011 and 2021, the census has revealed.
Taken every 10 years, the census shows the overall population for High Peak increased by just eight people rising from 90,892 to 90,900.
On Census Day, 21 March 2021, there were 14,300 residents of the High Peak under the age of 15, 56,900 were aged between 15 and 64 and 19,900 were over 65.
Although the population didn’t rise, the number of households across the borough rose by 4.8 per cent from 38,946 to 40,800.
Among the details included in the government data, released this week, is the density of the population for every borough in England and Wales.
High Peak is one of the least densely populated with 169 residents per sq km compared with 312 for Derbyshire and 2,240 for Tameside. The figure for England and Wales is 395 per sq km.
The total population for England and Wales on Census Day was 59,597,300 and increase of 6.1 per cent, of which 51 per cent were women and 49 per cent men.
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