A revised proposal has been submitted by developers who want to build new homes on land off Hollin Cross Lane in Glossop.
It comes after a previous application for the former Redcourt site was rejected by High Peak Borough Council in January 2022 and at appeal to the Planning Inspectorate late last year.
Now Glossop Eden Ltd have put forward another application for the site, which they believe addresses two issues the Planning Inspector raised when dismissing the appeal - the housing mix (specifically the lack of one-bedroom homes) and clarity regarding accessibility standards.
The changes from the original application include:
• two one-bedroom homes have been created instead of one three-bedroom home, bringing the total number of homes proposed from 23 to 24
• an additional parking space has been created to serve the additional home
• updated arboricultural impact assessment, arboricultural method statement, and landscape structure plan have been submitted
Access to the site in the new application remains the same with access proposed from Hollin Cross Lane and Slatelands Road.
The original plans to convert the former St Christopher's Trust Redcourt building, a former care facility, into homes and build new homes on the site was strongly opposed, with hundreds of objections submitted.
Now, anyone wanting to comment on the latest proposals has until 16 March to put forward their views.
Comments can be made through High Peak Borough Council’s website www.highpeak.gov.uk. The application number is HPK/2023/0025.
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