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Winner announced in libraries' short story competition

The winner and two runners-up have been announced in a writing competition for adults run by Derbyshire County Council's library service. 

Derbyshire was the theme and libraries were looking for stories of no more than 55 words, in whatever style the writer wished. More than 100 entries were received.

The winning story is by Andy Forsyth from Matlock Bath and is called Leap of Faith:

Trembling on High Tor cliff she spied Matlock Bath folk scurrying ant-like far below. Recalling memories of her short life she realised none of them cared about her fate. It was time. Pointless to delay. She plummeted from the sheer edge. On broad wings the young buzzard soared over the Derwent into the Matlock sky.

Andy will receive a £20 book token.

Derbyshire County Council Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Leadership, Culture, Tourism and Climate Change Councillor Barry Lewis said: “This competition has provided a great opportunity for writers to have their work seen by a wide audience and it is a wonderful way of celebrating our county.

“The entries were of a high standard and I congratulate the winner and runners-up.”

Read the two highly commended runners up by visiting www.derbyshire.gov.uk/55words. They were Longshaw by Ann Lloyd from Dronfield, and Night Shift by Lynn Luddit from Chesterfield.

All eligible entries are being published in an ebook on Derbyshire Libraries' BorrowBox platform and will be available for all customers to read and enjoy.

The two highly commended entries:

Highly commended: Longshaw by Ann Lloyd

A bus ride to Fox House for young Edward, escape from the dust and grime of the steel works. He brought Nellie to breathe clean air, climb the rocks, sit on the Duke of Rutland's seat. Here he etched her name, now here they remain, their dust alive under the sky and the sun.

Highly commended: Night Shift by Lynn Ludditt

Markham Colliery. 10th May 1938.  5.30am. 

Aching limbs trudge towards the Banksman readying the cage, promising daylight, air … freedom!


Suddenly … a tremendous draft, a terrific bang. 

Smoke fills the pit, a wall of fire sweeping through seams, exploding gas.  

Tubs ram electric boxes, sparks igniting thick black coal dust.

Seventy-nine brave miners killed.

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