Young people in Oldham have named knife crime as their top priority as a survey found one in seven admitted to having carried a blade.
More than 2,000 young residents voted to ‘put an end to knife crime’ as their number one issue that needs to be tackled in the borough, in a town hall consultation.
This prompted the youth council to carry out a series of surveys that found that of the people who took part, 14 percent admitted having carried a knife – a figure that was branded ‘very worrying’ by councillors.
Half of those who admitted carrying a knife said they had legtimate reasons, while the other half said they needed one for protection.
In response, the council has pledged £100k investment to youth services in the borough in efforts to raise youngsters’ confidence and esteem and boost their ambitions.
There have been a number of incidents of knife crime in Oldham since the start of the year.
Presenting their council motion calling for more support for young people, youth councillor Melissa Demsteader said: “It may suggest that young people who do carry knives or bladed weapons are happy to share this fact to brag or intimidate, which may lead to more fear in young people and a need for protection that they assume a knife brings.”
She said they also asked why young people chose not to carry knives, and the biggest response was that they didn’t need to because they ‘felt safe’.
“This leads us to conclude that it is a perception of places being unsafe rather than real lived experience that leads young people to carrying weapons,” she added.
“In working with young people to show that Oldham is a safe place to live, work and go to school, we would hope to challenge the minority of young people that carry bladed weapons and prevent others from taking up knives.”
Fellow youth councillor Hamra Hanif-Ali added that respondents indicated they thought safety should come from adults, and wanted a greater police presence.
Of the young people who said they carried a knife in the survey, half said they had legitimate reasons for it, such as Duke of Edinburgh courses or eating lunch.
But the other 50pc of respondents said they needed the weapon for protection.
And additionally more than a third of respondents to the survey said they knew people who had carried a knife.
Council leader Sean Fielding said the council fully supported the concerns raised by the youngsters.
He told the chamber all local authorities have had to make difficult decisions because of ‘unprecedented pressures’ over the past decade, including cuts to youth services.
“We recognise that there are some perceptions of high levels of violent crime within our communities, including the possession and use of knives and other weapons,” he said.
“Whilst having nothing to do is not a reasonable excuse for involvement in any type of antisocial behaviour or criminality, we do recognise that reduced prevention and diversion offer across Oldham may have had a negative impact on young people.”
The deputy council leader and cabinet member for social justice and communities, Coun Arooj Shah, unveiled the £100k investment.
“I hope it goes some way in reducing the stigma that associates the rise of youth crime, to actually, what is in some cases just youth culture,” she said.
The money will be used to develop youth services across the borough, focusing on projects that build young people’s ‘confidence’ in the community, raising aspirations and expectations, and reducing violence.
It will also support further consultation work led by the youth council, allowing them to help ‘design a youth service that is right for them’.
Cabinet member for children’s services Amanda Chadderton told councillors they were ‘right’ to say the country is in the middle of ‘knife crime epidemic’.
“People being stabbed are at the highest rate in this country since World War Two which I just find unbelievable and it shouldn’t be allowed to happen in 2019 in a western society,” she said.
“Nobody wants to live in an unsafe town, and nobody wants to be scared to go to the centre of Oldham.
“Over the next 12 months we’ve got to think about how we want to use this money in targeted services and what we want to get out of that.”
Liberal Democrat Coun Garth Harkness added that the opposition group also backed the motion.
“I work at a school in Manchester and our school community was affected recently by the death of one of our ex pupils as a result of knife crime,” he said.
“It’s not just a London problem. 14pc having carried a knife is very worrying.”