People across Oldham are being encouraged to fill out a survey on their experiences of health and care during the coronavirus pandemic.
Healthwatch Oldham is asking residents to take part in the short survey, which will ask what has worked well during the pandemic, what could be improved, whether you have been tested for Covid-19, whether you've had enough support and if your medical appointments have changed.
Since the lockdown, health services have had to adapt to cope with demand.
Healthwatch Oldham said in a statement: "During this time, we have all had to re-think how we do things and how we access support when and where we need it.
"Therefore, we want to better understand your experiences during this time and gather information about what you think could make the situation easier to live with.
"We want you to tell us what is working well, as well as what could be improved. Others may have had similar experiences to yours, and the more we learn, the more we can work with services to inform them of possible solutions to issues people have faced. Maybe there is some good practice to be shared with different services so they can adopt these measures to help others access their services."
The survey - which is completely anonymous - will close on 31 July.
You can take part here: https://www.healthwatcholdham.co.uk/covid-19-your-experiences-health-and-care.
Anyone who would prefer a paper version of the survey can get in touch with Healthwatch Oldham on 0161 622 5700 or email info@healthwatcholdham.co.uk with contact address details. They can also complete the survey over the phone if people prefer that.
Healthwatch Oldham is an independent organisation which helps people to get the best out of local health and social care in Oldham.