People across Oldham are being urged to take part in a new consultation which will help to shape the future of planning and development across the borough.
The Local Plan will guide development in Oldham up to 2037, setting the rules with which new homes and industrial buildings have to comply, and establishing where they can be built. It will also guide how the council make decisions on whether or not planning applications can be granted.
Councillor Hannah Roberts, Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning, said: “Planning affects many aspects of our lives and our environment – from where we live, work, shop and how we spend our leisure time.
“In producing the Local Plan, we will not just consider land uses but we will also consider other issues that can be affected by land use, including health, education and community safety. It is important we get a wide range of opinions and views so that we can create the most effective plan possible.”
The council has launched an ‘Issues and Options’ consultation and in particular wants to hear residents' views on:
- The issues Oldham, and your particular area of the borough, faces;
- What kind of place you would like Oldham to be in 15 years; and
- Specific areas of planning, such as the location of future development, design of new buildings and protection of our open spaces.
The Local Plan complements Places for Everyone (formerly the Greater Manchester Strategic Framework) - a strategic plan for housing and growth - by defining what will be approved and rejected.
A spokesperson for the council said: "We want to know what matters most to our residents and businesses so that we have the buildings, homes and jobs that work for Oldham."
Issues addressed by the consultation reflect a previous community consultation on the developing Local Plan. Key considerations that views are being sought on include:
- What homes we need for an ageing population
- How we provide a diverse housing offer including homes for disabled people, families, affordable homes and private rented homes
- Whether we should amend planning policy for homes in multiple occupation (HMOs) so that they can no longer be developed without planning permission (permitted development rights)
- Our policy approach to self-build, custom build and community right to build
- Providing for children’s homes
- Making the most effective use of land and the density of developments
- Allocation of sites for development
- Retail, leisure, cultural venues, tourism and policies on farm diversification
- Steps we can take to address sustainable development including renewable and low carbon energy
- How we address flood risk
- Protecting and enhancing local green spaces, green infrastructure, open space, trees and biodiversity
- The policy approach to mills
- Policies which address the design of buildings including provision for bike and bin storage and electric vehicle charging
- Health and wellbeing including whether we should introduce a policy which restricts the location of hot food takeaways within 400m of a school; or in areas with high levels of obesity; or both
- How planning can support education provision and if we should protect some suitable sites for potential future education facilities/services.
The Local Plan Issues and Options consultation is open now until 5pm on 29 August 2021, with people invited to give feedback on as many or as few points as they like.
Comments can be submitted via https://oldham.objective.co.uk/portal/oc/planning/spi/local_plan_review/io2021/ where full details of the consultation can be found. Alternatively, comments can be emailed to SPI.Consultations@oldham.gov.uk.
The above documents can all be viewed on the council’s website at www.oldham.gov.uk/localplanreview. Consultation documents will also be available to view at all public libraries in Oldham. Visit oldham.gov.uk/libraries for opening times.
People can also arrange to view a copy at the Civic Centre by calling 0161 770 4105 to make an appointment or email SPI.Consultations@oldham.gov.uk.
Anyone unable to submit comments online or via email can send them in writing, to be received by 5pm on 29 August 2021, to:
Strategic Planning and Information, Economy, Skills and Neighbourhoods, Room 310, Level 3, Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1UH
Please note all comments received (both electronically and by post) will be held by the council and will be available to view publicly. Comments cannot be treated as confidential. Personal information, such as your postal and e-mail address will not be published, but your name and organisation (if relevant) will.