An Oldham business owner shares a message of mental health support on World Suicide Prevention Day.
Carlos DePetrillo owns Carlo’s Barbers in Royton. In his barbershop he doesn’t just cut hair but supports clients struggling with mental health and is an advocate for suicide prevention.
When the country came out of lockdown earlier this year, Carlos really started to notice the pressures his clients were facing. He added: “Pressures at home, pressures of not being able to go out, pressures of not being able to earn money, it can affect people.
“I want people to know that we’re there to help. We are mentally health trained, we have to do exams, we have to do courses. It's not just given out. You have to earn it and I'm proud to be a part of it."
Carlos is also part of The Lions Barber Collective – a group of barbers who have come together to raise awareness for the prevention of suicide.
He said: “I feel really privileged that someone will actually tell me their problems. It means massively they trust you and what more do you want?”
Oldham Council has shown full support for the barber. Their Cabinet member for Health and Social Care Zahid Chauhan added: “I know how much of a toll the pandemic has taken on people’s mental health. Even though we’re no longer in a lockdown and we can thankfully see our friends and family again, mental health issues do not just go away.
“I want people to know that there’s support for you and you’re not alone. If you need help or just somebody to talk to there’s trained professionals who are there to help.”
For professional mental health support, you can contact the groups below.
Healthy Minds - They offer services such as counselling, group support and other talking therapies. You can self-refer on their website www.penninecare.nhs.uk/healthymindsoldham or call 0161 716 2777
TOG Mind - Tameside Oldham and Glossop Mind is a leading mental health charity that offers various types of support to manage your mental health. They are doing a range of events today, you can see here for more details.
Turning Point - For support with drug or alcohol use call 0300 555 0234 or visit www.wellbeing.turning-point.co.uk
If you’re feeling suicidal you can ring The Samaritans for free on 116 123