An Oldham charity which gives young people a 'vital lifeline' has urged the council to reconsider planned £200,000 cuts to its budget.
The town hall is currently consulting on proposals for the next financial year, including plans to reduce its annual contribution to Mahdlo Youth Zone.
The charity, which is based at a purpose built centre on Egerton Street, provides activities and experiences for young people from across the borough.
The latest budget proposals would see the council’s contribution to the charity reduce by half from £400,000 to £200,000 over a two year period a part of plans to save £8m, which the town hall admits could see less activities delivered at the youth zone.
Bosses from the charity are now imploring the authority to reconsider, saying that they give some of the ‘borough’s most disadvantaged the chance to participate in positive, exciting and constructive activities’ which can ‘transform’ lives.
Its chairman Chris Wareing said: “Oldham’s young people need our support now more than ever.
“By working in partnership with the council, Mahdlo has been able to provide a vital lifeline for the last eight years, which enables them to talk to trusted and trained adults on their terms.
“The Youth Zone is so much more than an activity centre, it provides the necessary future foundations for Oldham’s next generation. It is often their only safe space and source of positive contact with the community they have.
“We’re deeply concerned about the impact the council’s cuts will have on our members and their families.
“We must work together to make sure their needs are met now, or there will be major costs to health and welfare services in the future.
“I would urge the council to work with us to find an affordable plan that will ensure our young people get the future they deserve.”
Mahdlo says that its ‘collaborative private-public funding model’ ensures that every £1 invested by the council is worth ‘at least an additional £3 for the young people of Oldham’.
Lucy Lees, interim chief executive at the charity, added: “If support falls away due to lack of investment, there will be serious consequences for the health and wellbeing of all.
“The pandemic has unfortunately served to amplify the challenges facing our younger citizens.
“Youth workers are part-teacher, part-social worker, part-mental health professional and much more, providing so many benefits. To many of our members, we are an extension of their family.
“This is our community, and we will go above and beyond to advocate for the best possible provision and opportunities for its young people.”
The charity works with children and young people aged eight to 19, and up to 25 for people with a disability.
It is normally open seven days a week all year round and offers activities that youngsters can access for as little as 50p as a member, including sports, arts, personal development, environmental and employment and enterprise activities.
The council’s consultation documents state: “If this proposal is taken forward, Mahdlo would need to consider how it reorganises its activity, assess staffing levels, and assess which current services are working.
“The impact of the reduction could mean that they will deliver less activity for young people.
“This could potentially be mitigated by Madhlo increasing its charges, patron and grant income.”
Oldham council has been contacted for comment by the Local Democracy Reporting Service.