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Double win for young rider

Earlier this month, talented Tameside horse rider, Oscar Elcock, rode his pony to victory at the TOP SPEC arena in Birmingham. 

The 12-year-old picked up the 133cm M&M working hunter pony of the year title with his pony Brynithon Poachers Gold, also known as Ruby. 

Oscar navigated some full height rustic jumps on what was a very technically designed course, before riding an individual display for the judges. 

After winning the class in the TOP SPEC arena of dreams, he then had to contend that evening for a Championship.  

In he went into the Andrew Bowens International Arena with all the winners of the day, to showcase his pony once more.        

Nerves were kicking in with mum Cheryl as she watched Ruby carry Oscar round the arena, trying to wow the group of judges once more. 

After a super strong gallop and perfect performance they were crowned 2024 Horse of the Year Show (HOYS) Mountain & Moorland (M&M) champions. 

The young rider first qualified for the Horse of the Year Show (HOYS), which is the most prestigious horse show in the country, during the summer months, and he has worked immensely hard to improve his skills since then. 

His Pony, Ruby, lives at home and he puts all the work in before and after school to take care of her.  

At weekends he is also assisted with this by mum Cheryl. 

Speaking after his double win, Oscar said: 

“It’s an amazing achievement and a dream come true- she's the best pony I’ve ever had. 

“She is such an honest pony, and she always looks after me,” he added. 

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