A team of young dancers are crowdfunding to achieve their dream of representing Team England at the upcoming Dance World Cup in Spain.
The ten High Peak youngsters from Samantha Wood Theatre Academy (SWTA) in Chinley are among the top five teams in the country and need to raise £10,000 to cover the costs of competing in Burgos in July.
This will include all flights, accommodation, costumes and their Team England uniforms.
Organisers expect 5,000 entrants at the event, which is seen as the ‘Olympics of Dance’.
“Every penny raised will go directly towards making this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity become a reality for these dancers,” said Victoria Cawthorn, who has two children attending SWTA.
“Pennies turn into pounds so anything you can spare will really help us.
“We are also looking for local businesses to sponsor us, your logos will then be on all our tracksuits and advertising on world media.
“Please help our small school perform on a world stage and represent our country.”
The fundraiser for the 10-to-13-year-olds has already surpassed £5,000 but needs to double that amount for them to fly to the championships.