More than 40 members attended the annual Stalybridge Snooker League presentation evening at Hyde Snooker Club.
This year’s most successful team was Hyde Snooker, who collected around 10 trophies, some individual and some team .The next most successful team was St Peters who collected around seven trophies, including the league's Long Service award.
The most successful individual was Mark Neale, Hyde’s captain, who collected the Reds and Individual Billiards trophies, as well as team trophies for the Snooker League and Berry Cup double. Dan Tipping, also of Hyde was the most successful over the league season and shared the Players League and Man Of the Match awards with Ryan Lewis of Hyde and Phil Vidler of St Peters.
The standard in the league this year has been very high with Chris Edwards of Mossley B getting the highest billiards break of 48 and Jet Solanki of Staly Labour getting the highest snooker break of 43. Robert Carter of Mossley B also got a one off trophy for becoming the youngest competition winner in the league's history.
The Annual Sportsmanship award is voted for by the teams in the league and the winner is not revealed until Presentation Night. This year it was won by Ryan Lewis of Hyde Snooker. The League also awarded the prestigious Long Service award to current league secretary Ian Hopton for his 32 years' service. He has been team captain, league secretary, handicap secretary and league secretary. A list of all the trophy winners is attached and we all now look forward to the start of the new season.
The 109th League AGM took place one week later and the league welcomed the new teams from Denton Conservative Club and The Hyde Club to the fold. Unfortunately they have lost Staly Vegas after a short period in the league and hopefully they may return. Their loss means the league membership only increases to seven teams for this season but it is a big improvement on where they were a few years ago.
Here is a full list of winners:
Snooker League...........................Winners..Hyde SC
R/ups......Mossley A.
Whist League...............................Winners..Mossley A
R/ups......St Peters
Berry Cup.....................................Winners..Hyde SC
R/ups..... Mossley A
Taylor Cup....................................Winners..St Peters
R/ups......Mossley B
George Fletcher Trophy................Winners...Mossley A
R/ups.......Mossley B
Gordon Clay Trophy.....................Winners...St Peters
R/ups.......Mossley B
Individual Billiards......................Winner.....M Neale..................Hyde SC
R/up.….....J Taylor....................Staly Vegas
Individual Snooker.......................Winner...A Bailey....................Mossley A
R/up......C Edwards.................Mossley B
Roy Nelson Snooker Doubles.......Winners..R Carter/Mossley B & R Lewis/Hyde SC
R/ups.....C Longden/St Peters & M Aldred /Hyde SC
Sportsmanship Award...................Winner...R Lewis.......................Hyde SC
Players League..............................Winner.....D Tipping & R Lewis …...Both of Hyde SC
Highest Snooker Break..................Winner....J Solanki...43...............Staly Labour
Highest Billiards Break.................Winner....C Edwards ..48.............Mossley B
Man of the Match Award...............Winner.....P Vidler /St Peters & D Tipping/Hyde SC
Darts Individual.......RTB.............. Winner...........Not Played
R/up....... Not Played
Darts Individual.......501................Winner... Not Played
R/Up.......Not PLayed
6 Reds............................................Winner......M Neale......................Hyde SC
R/up........ G Terry …..................Mossley B
Whist Drive....................................Winner.....Not Played
Wooden .Spoon.. Not Played
Pool Knockout................................Winner......L Hanna......................St Peters
R/Up......N Downing...................Mossley B
Snooker Killer.................................Winner...R Mason......................Hyde SC..
R/Up.......G Terry..........................Mossley B.
Long Service Award………………………I Hopton...........................St Peters
Luckiest Player over the season..................A Betts..............................Staly Vegas
Youngest Trophy Winner Award.................R Carter.............................Mossley B......One off
Special Doubles Wooden Spoons.................C Longden and I Whittaker........St Peters
By Ian Hopton