Students in Tameside celebrate receiving their AS and A Level results following on from delays in exams and assessments due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
It is the first group of students in three years to obtain their results from sitting their AS and A Level exams this summer due to the postponement of many assessments as a result of the pandemic.
Despite disruptions to assessments and learning, many local students have gone on to achieve success in the exams to progress onto further education, apprenticeships, training or work.
Words of support and congratulations are echoed throughout the borough, recognising the hard work of students to overcome the challenges posed by the pandemic and their resilience to achieve academic success.
Tameside Council and local colleges have worked hard to support students throughout their studies while navigating the new challenges of the pandemic. Efforts to ensure support for students is in place for post-18 pathways have been made to provide transitional support on to further education and post-education.
Councillor Leanne Feeley, Tameside Council Executive Member for Education Achievement, said: “A huge congratulations to our local students who are receiving their AS and A Level results today. Our students should be very proud of themselves for their resilience and hard work to achieve success despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“As the first group of pupils in three years to sit their AS and A Level exams, we as a nation recognise the challenges faced by this year group, and a collective pride for our students who have worked so hard to achieve is felt throughout the borough.
Positive Steps Careers Service are available to provide independent career advice by calling 0800 484 0407 / 0161 621 9292 or emailing tamesidecareers@positive-steps.org.uk.
Nationally, the top grades for A-level results for England, Wales and Northern Ireland have fallen since last year - with 36.4 per cent of all grades marked at A* or A - but the percentage is still higher than 2019 when results were last based on pupils sitting exams before the Covid pandemic.
Grades have been purposefully lowered from levels seen in 2020 and 2021, when students were assessed by teachers. The overall pass rate for those taking the new T-level exams was 92 per cent.
You will be able to hear more from staff and students at Ashton Sixth Form College and Clarendon Sixth Form College on The Reporter Show on Tameside Radio 103.6FM from 7pm this evening (Thursday).
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