Hattersley Soup served up all the winning ingredients for another successful funding event recently.
Local groups and organisations can attend the ‘Soup’ to explain more about what they do and why they are deserving of receiving funds.
Those attending can nominate one group or share the funds accumulated from the attendance fees, with match funding coming from Onward Homes and Community Matters funds.
The idea is modelled on the highly successful Mossley Soup which has raised many thousands of pounds for good ideas locally.
Organisations pitching at the latest Hattersley Soup included Hattersley Knit and Natter craft group, the Remembrance Group which is raising funds to provide lifesaving defibrillators for Hattersley and the Hattersley Big Project.
Civic Mayor of Tameside Cllr Janet Cooper, who is also a councillor for Longdendale, is fully supportive of the Hattersley Soup and says they hope to be able to hold the events every ten to 12 weeks.
“It’s an opportunity to assist groups financially but it is also a chance to eat, meet and network together,” she explained, stating more people were now becoming aware of what they are about.
Hattersley Soup meets in the hall at St Barnabus in Hattersley - watch this space for details.
Images by Nigel Wood
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