A drug and alcohol substance misuse support service has secured additional grant funding to continue to support drug and alcohol treatment and recovery in Tameside.
My Recovery Tameside, provided by Change Grow Live (CGL), is a free, confidential drug and alcohol treatment service for adults, young people, families, carers and affected others in Tameside, regardless of age, race, sex, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, and marriage and civil partnership.
The service is commissioned by Tameside Council and will receive additional funding over the next three years – money which the government has given to the Council – to provide enhanced substance misuse support following ambitions set out in the new national drug strategy.
Over £500k has already be confirmed for year one, with increased amounts of around £700k for year two and £1.1m for year three in the pipeline.
The additional funding will be used to support more people receiving the treatment they need (overall 20 per cent increase for adults and 50 per cent increase for children and young people) and further improve on the success of the number of adults who engage in treatment upon leaving prison.
Tameside is currently a high performing area nationally at supporting people who need help when they leave prison, with a 75 per cent uptake in those needing help accessing treatment when they leave prison, compared to a national rate of 37 per cent.
It will target those who are involved in, or on the edge of, the criminal justice system; and the most vulnerable children and young people in the borough's communities to reduce drug and alcohol harms, improving overall health and wellbeing.
With more resource, it will enable the service to see more people, to target those with highest levels of need, and to ensure a long-term recovery for Tameside residents. There will also be a greater focus on group work interventions and outreach provision to prioritise early intervention and increase treatment capacity.
Anyone concerned about their own or someone else’s substance use can get in touch with the service by phoning 0161 672 9420, emailing Tameside.Referrals@cgl.org.uk or by visiting www.changegrowlive.org/
Tameside Council's Executive Member for Population Health and Wellbeing, Councillor Eleanor Wills, said: “The additional funding gives us a fantastic opportunity over the next three years to not only deliver on the ambitions in the new national drug strategy, but to increase this vital support we are able to offer locally for those with substance misuse issues in Tameside.
“The funding will also allow us to take more preventative approaches to address issues at an earlier stage before people get into even higher risk situations, with a focus on support for children and young people.
“I’m proud to say that we have already been recognised by the national team at OHID (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities) for being one of the highest performers nationally, in terms of the increases in the number of people we have engaged in treatment through the criminal justice system and the proportion of people who have continuity of care once they leave prison.
“We want to continue to build on our success over the next three years so we can protect and improve the lives of our residents and help them to fulfil their ambitions and potential while leading healthier lives.”
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