Stalybridge Getting Together Club celebrates its first anniversary this month.
National Lottery funding to the tune of £2,000 was secured last year to hold weekly Friday afternoon social events at the New Stalybridge Labour Club.
The aim was to help people over the age of 50 in Stalybridge to re-engage in a safe environment after Covid.
The events, led by Dukinfield and Stalybridge Rotary Club in collaboration with Stalybridge Women’s Institute and community volunteers, were intended to last for 10 weeks.
However due to its popularity, the volunteers set up a group to continue holding the Friday afternoon socials every two weeks.
Now the group is poised to celebrate it first anniversary on Friday, September 9, at Stalybridge Labour Club from 2pm-4pm.
Admittance will be just £2 to include tea, coffee, sandwiches and cake as well as live music and dancing. The bar will also be open and everyone is welcome.
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