Plans for apartments on the site of former children’s play centre in Hyde have been given the green light.
Tameside’s planning committee has approved an application to build 19 flats within a new two-storey building on Sydall Street.
Ascot Property Estate had proposed to demolish the existing commercial building on the corner of the site, which was last used as a children’s play centre, and before that as a cash and carry from 2009 to 2017.
The ‘rudimentary’ car park next to it that serves the unit would also be built on under the plans.
The same developer had also applied separately to Tameside council to build nine homes on the site as a new row of terraced houses.
However the committee planning report states that the new apartment block is ‘designed in a similar character to a row of terraced properties’, including additional windows and doors.
Of the flats, 17 would be two bedroom, and two apartments would each have one bedroom.
A cycle and bin storage area, together with four car parking spaces are proposed to be included. There is also an outdoor area included at the back o the building which would be landscaped and available to use by future residents.
There had been two letters of objection raising concerns about a lack of parking and overlooking to neighbouring properties, with one letter of support stating it would provide ‘valuable’ affording housing provision.
The report to committee states that the development would ‘include some element of supported living for future occupiers’.
“Although apartments internally, the building would have the appearance of a two storey terraced block, fronting Syddall Street and situated at the back of pavement, similar to those existing dwellings opposite,” the officer’s report states.
“The proposal is considered not to be detrimental to residential amenity, given the proposing distances between residential uses, similar to those within the vicinity of the site.
“The opportunity to make a positive contribution to housing supply by the redevelopment of a brownfield site is considered to be highly sustainable and is afforded significant weight in the determination of the application.”
Councillors voted to approve the application, subject to conditions, in line with officers’ recommendations.