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Ashton school pupils take trip down Aspirations Avenue

Pupils at an Ashton primary school have been busy reflecting and looking to the future during a fascinating project called 'Aspirations Week'. 

During the week, youngsters at St Peter's CE Primary School reflected on their mindset, Christian values and personal qualities such as resilience, team work, determination, focus and drive. 

Teachers also encouraged pupils to think about how they will contribute to their local and wider community when they are older - both through paid and voluntary work. 

During Aspirations Week 2021 last week, pupils devised their own prayer spaces and the school's Trinity Club led a special Collective Worship which was attended by Terry Hart - Adviser for Religious Education and Christian Distinctiveness in the Diocese of Manchester. 

Pupils also took part in Q&A sessions over Zoom with a firefighter, concierge and also a waste management company called J Dickinson and Sons.

During the session with J Dickinson and Sons, the children looked at recycling and reflected on how they can make a difference to the environment.  

There was also a special visit to the Oxford Street school by local Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) during the week.  

Deputy head teacher Chris Colvin said: "Pupils really enjoyed the week and it’s not only provided them with some ideas for their future careers, but also showed them ways in which we can be valuable and responsible members of society." 

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