There is still time to enter to become one of this year's Stalybridge Carnival Queens.
A key component of the annual Stalybridge Carnival is the crowning of the Stalybridge Carnival Queen in Cheetham Park following the Carnival Parade through the town centre.
This year’s event will take place on Sunday, June 28, with the Festival Committee seeking applications for the following categories:
• Petal – Aged three to five years
• Rosebud- Aged five to eight years
• Princess – Aged eight to 10 years
• Junior Queen – Aged 10 to 14 years
• Queen – Aged 14-plus
Just a few days remain until the deadline for applications of Saturday, February 28.
Joyce, President of Stalybridge Festival Committee, said “I would like to congratulate our 2019 Carnival Queens (Rhianna Ashmore– Stalybridge Festival Junior Queen and Gracie Flanagan– Stalybridge Festival Princess) who did the Festival Committee proud - not only on Carnival Day but also picking up awards at other carnivals in the North West over the summer.
“This year we are very keen to seek nominations for each of the Carnival Queen categories, particularly as this has been seen as being an important element of the carnival.”
Further information is available from Joyce on 0161 303 7087.