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Be the teammate that someone can open up to

One is six men experience domestic abuse – but they are far more likely than women to keep it a secret.

Last year only 113 males accessed domestic abuse support in Tameside compared to 1224 females.

To help tackle this significant under reporting and reach men who need support, local cricket teams are getting behind Tameside Council’s campaign to encourage male victims of domestic abuse to ‘open up’.

Domestic abuse isn’t just physical violence, it can be controlling and coercive behaviours such as controlling someone’s money or controlling who they see and where they go.

There is support available for ALL victims of domestic abuse - men and women and people of all ages and from backgrounds. For further information see www.tameside.gov.uk/domesticabuseor call Bridges 24 Hour Help on 0800 328 0967. In an emergency - you should always contact 999

The award winning Open Up campaign was developed by the council, working with local partners, in recognition that men can quite commonly be victims of domestic abuse but are less likely to tell someone or seek support. 

The campaign, which has been relaunched this week, highlights the support available and has previously successfully involved men in the conversation and increased traffic to the council’s domestic abuse webpages and calls from male victims to Bridges domestic abuse support service.

Cricket clubs – currently in the peak of their summer season and heavily engaged with local men - will be sharing the Open Up campaign in their newsletters and on their social media.

Tameside Council Executive Member for population health Cllr Eleanor Wills said: “One in six men nationally experience domestic abuse – so that could very easily be someone in your sports team, in your work team or in your friendship group – however men are more likely to bottle up what they are going through and not get the support and help they need. 

“One of our priorities in Tameside is the make domestic abuse everyone’s business and something that everyone feels comfortable talking about – whether it’s spotting the signs of domestic abuse, seeking support for ourselves or knowing how to help others.

“We run a number of different campaigns – to help us reach different people - to raise awareness of domestic abuse and abusive behaviours and that there is support available for everyone. While the majority of domestic abuse victims are female, a significant number are male and it’s important that male victims know there is help for them too and it’s okay to open up and talk to someone.”

Michael Beech, Chairman of Mottram Cricket Club, which has helped to support the launch of the campaign, said: “Men can often put on a front and can be reluctant to share anything they are struggling with, and they may feel particularly hesitant to talk about - or even acknowledge - they are the victim of domestic abuse. We’re pleased to support this campaign and help reach local men with the message that it’s okay to open up.”

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