A cafe in Ashton have offered to feed 10 children throughout the next half term.
Wendy and Mandy’s cafe, in the indoor market in Ashton, will be providing a ham sandwich, banana and a bottle of flavoured water for up to ten children each day.
It comes after the government rejected calls to extend free school meals over the holidays. Labours motion to extend the support until Easter 2021 was defeated by 332 votes to 261.
The cause has been championed by Manchester United striker Marcus Rashford, who has been vocal on social media after his experiences as a young boy in Greater Manchester, with his petition gathering more than 300,000 signatures.
Wendy Mitchell explained: “It was Mandy’s idea. She came in this morning and said I think we can fund ten meals a day to help out. It’s 50 meals a week.
“We’re a lot more fortunate than others. Everyone is struggling but if you can help on then you can can’t you.
“It’s tough, there’s not a lot of football but we’re in a better condition than most.”
Mandy added that she was disappointed that MP’s had voted not to continue the scheme, saying: “I’m really disappointed, I’ve not slept all night and it’s really played on my mind - we need to do something. 100% it’s good to be part of doing something good.”
Anyone else that is offering to provide meals over the half term can let us know at https://www.questmedianetwork.co.uk/contact-us/.