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Community kick-starts litter campaign to keep Tameside tidy

The community has come together to kick-start a litter picking campaign to keep Tameside tidy.

Tameside Litter Community (TLC) has teamed with Tameside Council to urge residents to support their efforts and take pride in their neighbourhood.

An event at Café Pop in Hyde on Tuesday, 27 September, saw the relaunch of both TLC and Tameside Council’s Litter Hubs Network where residents or groups can book out free equipment, including high vis jackets, litter pickers, gloves and black bags, from community places. Council officers will then arrange for the rubbish to be disposed of appropriately.

It’s part of the Our Streets campaign that’s bringing people together for a cleaner and safer borough.

TLC and the Litter Hubs Network began in Hyde two years ago but were impacted by the pandemic. The relaunch is not only seeing them revived but also expanded across the borough with a call for community venues in other towns to join the network.

Everyone can do their bit, even if it’s by simply taking part in Tameside’s Litter Pledge to pick up a piece of litter every day to make a difference together.

And people are encouraged to take a selfie of themselves picking up a piece of litter and posting it on social media or the TLC Facebook page with the hashtag #Tamesidelitterpledge to inspire others.

The campaign is planning to engage schools and undertake arts projects with them to involve younger generations. A logo competition for the TLC group is planned with the community deciding the winner.

Councillor Denise Ward, Tameside Council’s Executive Member for Environmental Services, said: “It’s great to see the community coming together to help make Tameside a better place for everyone. We’re providing free equipment that we’ve arranged to be available from community venues to help empower people and give them the tools to make a difference. Whether it’s a gathering of friends, neighbours or a community group, we want people to team up and have a good time while putting the pride back in their area.

“And if you’re not able to take part in a clean-up then by just picking up one piece of litter a day you’ll be doing your bit to keep your neighbourhood smart and protect the environment. Littering is a blight across the country but by working together we can keep Tameside tidy. This is all part of the Our Streets campaign to instil pride in our neighbourhoods.”

The network includes popular venues such as Hyde’s Grafton Centre, Portland Basin Museum, Bennett Street Youth Community Centre and Jigsaw Homes’ Newton Hub.  A handy chart has been created listing the venues, the times they’re open and the facilities and activities available to help bring residents together. Participants will be given a safety checklist and asked to sign out the equipment.

A group Facebook page at www.facebook.com/TLCHyde is sharing information, before and after photos and promoting litter picks.

Most Neighbourhood Watches have litter equipment too, so you can also get involved in litter picks through your local Neighbourhood Watch. To find out more, contact Michelle Carr by emailing michelle.carr@tameside.gov.uk 

For further information on Litter Hubs or to establish one at your community venue, please visit www.tameside.gov.uk/litterhubs or contact Sharron Power on 07980 993553 or by email at sharron.power@tameside.gov.uk.

For more information on Our Streets, visit www.tameside.gov.uk/ourstreets or follow #OurStreets on social media.

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